Prograd terms and conditions

About these Terms

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") apply to your use of our websites, and the services provided through those websites as further described in these Terms ( "Services") and form part of the agreement between you and Prograd Limited ("Prograd", "we", "us", "our"). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 13001496 and have our registered office at Hallswelle House, 1 Hallswelle Road, London, England, NE11 0DH.

By using, accessing or browsing the Services you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use the Services. To use our Services you must be at least 18 years old.

What is Prograd?

Prograd is a financial marketplace and community network.

Prograd collects information from you to understand your preferences and tailor our Services in accordance with those preferences. We are not driven by whether we receive a payment or not and ensure that the Services are tailored to fit our customer's needs. Please see our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for details of how and on what basis we collect information about you.

You have the right to end your Prograd account at any time by contacting us via the details below.

Part 1

This section applies to your use of Prograd's standard service offering.

Use of the Services

We only provide the Services for your non-exclusive personal use. You agree not to use our Services for any commercial or business purposes.

ou must not use our Services in: (a) any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect; (b) to send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with our content standards (below); or (c) any way that breaches any applicable laws, regulations, or codes of practice. In particular, you must not access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of our Website, including but not limited to, that you must not: (a) misuse our Services by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful; or (b) attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Services, the server on which our websites are stored or any server, computer or database connected to our Services. Additionally, you must not conduct, facilitate, authorise or permit any text or data mining or web scraping in relation to our Services. This includes using (or permitting, authorising or attempting the use of): (a) any 'robot', 'bot', 'spider', 'scraper' or other automated device, program, tool, algorithm, code, process or methodology to access, obtain, copy, monitor or republish any portion of the Services or any data, content, information or services accessed via the same; and (b) any automated analytical technique aimed at analysing text and data in digital form to generate information which includes but is not limited to patterns, trends and correlations. This clause shall not apply to the extent that we are unable to exclude or limit text or data mining or web scraping activity by contract under the laws which are applicable to us.

Important Note. The value of any investment can go down as well as up. We do not provide investment advice and any information included as part of the Services is provided to help you make your own informed decisions. If you are unsure whether an investment listed as part of the Services with a third party is suitable for you, you should contact an independent financial adviser for advice. You are also solely responsible for taking your own tax advice in relation to any investment.


As part of the Services, Prograd provides website links and details of products and services that may be available from various third party businesses ("Partners"). The operation and content of any websites, and any products and services from Partners, are determined by Partners and will be governed by their separate terms and conditions. If you purchase a new product or service from Partners because of Prograd, we may receive a payment, however, as we are not responsible for the products and services provided to you, or websites provided by those Partners. We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied regarding the same.

The use of Partners' products and services may be subject to terms and conditions and where you decide to procure services or products from any Partners it is your responsibility to: (a) check the suitability and adequacy of the product or service that is of interest to you (and if in any doubt, then you should seek independent professional advice before making a purchase or signing up); (b) read and ensure you understand the terms and conditions of their website and of any product or service you may be signing up to or purchasing; and (c) read and comply with the applicable terms and conditions.

We will use reasonable endeavours to check that Partners are regulated in the provision of offering regulated, i.e. credit-related, products, however if you wish to check this yourself you can do so by checking the Financial Services Register on the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) website.

We are not directly regulated by the FCA and do not provide any Services as an FCA regulated firm. Only when providing consumer credit brokering to you we will do that as the appointed representative of Consumer Credit Compliance Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the FCA (reference no. 631736). Consumer Credit Compliance Limited accepts full regulatory responsibility for consumer credit brokering and any associated activities that we are permitted to carry on its behalf.

Open Banking / Connecting Your Personal Accounts

To access the Open Banking feature of our Services, you will need to connect your online personal accounts, such as your current accounts and credit cards.

This is done via regulated Open Banking technology provided by TrueLayer Limited (an FCA regulated provider under FCA reference no. 901096) (TrueLayer) to access information about your balances and transactions. You will be asked to accept TrueLayer's terms and conditions when you decide to use the Open Banking feature of our Services and you will need to provide your explicit consent to your personal account provider before Truelayer can access this information. You can withdraw your consent to connect to Open Banking at any time.

Intellectual Property

All information, data and copyright material contained in our Services, including any trade marks (whether registered or unregistered), trade names, brands and logos belong to us or its licensors who have given us permission to use them. Prograd and its licensors are and shall remain the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Services and the material or content published on them. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

Prograd grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use the Services for your personal use only and we reserve the right to revoke your licence if you do not comply with these Terms. Unless expressly provided under these Terms, we do not grant to you any rights in the Service which shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of us or our licensors.

Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of content contained in our Services must always be acknowledged (except where there may contain user-generated content). You must not use any part of the content in our Services for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do so from us or our licensors.

Data Protection

Prograd collects your personal data for specific purposes including to tailor our Services to your needs and preferences. We are ISO27001 certified and your privacy is our main priority, we will only use your personal data as set out in our Privacy Policy. We will comply with all applicable data protection legislation from time to time in force in respect of the personal data we collect from you.


You must treat any information you are provided, such as your account details, including passwords as confidential. You must not disclose it to any third party.

We have the right to disable any password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms.

If you know or suspect that anyone other than you knows your account details, you must promptly notify us at

Notices and Complaints Procedure

We always aim to provide a high standard of service to all of our customers. However we acknowledge that things may occasionally go wrong. If it does, then we will ensure that we settle any complaint in a quick and fair manner.

If you have a complaint, please send us a message via email to We will get back to you with a full response to your complaint as soon as we can, but will always aim to do so within fourteen (14) business days of receiving it and do our best to resolve the issue.

For any other correspondence you wish to send us regarding the Services, including if there are a changes to your contact details, please send us a message via email to

Service Availability and Liability

You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access our Services. You should use your own virus protection software. We do not guarantee that the Services will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may also modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, the Services (or any part of it) with or without notice to you for any reason (this includes but is not limited to the right to suspend or restrict access to the Services if we reasonably believe that you are in breach of the Terms or applicable law) and you confirm that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of the Services.

Where you elect, in your sole capacity, to engage with one of the Partners listed on our website, you will be bound by the terms applicable to dealing with that particular Partner. We recommend that you read such terms and conditions carefully as they will detail the responsibilities of such Partner and the rights that you have in relation to any arrangement you enter into with them.

We are responsible for losses you suffer caused by us breaking the Terms, unless the loss is:

  • Unexpected. It was not obvious that it would happen and nothing you said to us before signing up to our Services meant we should have expected it (so, in the law, the loss was unforeseeable).
  • Caused by a delaying event outside our control. As long as we have taken the necessary steps to deliver our Services to you as set out in these Terms, we are not responsible for delays outside our control.
  • Avoidable. Something you could have avoided by taking reasonable action. For example, damage to your own Content or device, which was caused by digital content we supplied and which you could have avoided by following any advice to apply a free update or by correctly following the installation instructions or having the minimum system requirements advised by us.
  • Business loss. Our liability for any loss you suffer in connection with your trade, business, craft or profession is limited. Specifically, Prograd will not, under any circumstances, be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for: (a) any loss of profit, sales, revenue; (b) any loss of business, business interruption, business opportunity; (c) loss of anticipated savings; (d) loss of or damage to goodwill; (e) loss of agreements or contracts; and (f) loss of use or corruption of software, data or information.
    Subject to applicable law, you agree that your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to the Services is to stop using the Services, otherwise, our maximum aggregate liability for all claims arising out of or relating to these Terms shall not exceed $100. We do not exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
  • Recommendation algorithm/engine.Our platform (Prograd) uses a recommendation algorithm that utilizes information obtained from and not limited to: your sign-up details, on-site browsing history, and behavior (i.e. clicks on the website) to suggest offers that we deem to be more pertinent to your current needs. This may result in some offers being given a higher or lower placement on the site.
  • Sponsorship. From time to time, we may establish partnerships with select companies that may provide us with additional remuneration for specific campaigns, which we will clearly identify on site as "Sponsor". These companies may offer compensation to us to enhance their ranking or visibility on our website and to reach a broader audience. We will always disclose the presence of sponsored offerings on our website. These offers may enjoy a higher ranking on our website for a specified or an indefinite period and may rank higher than they would through our standard recommendation algorithm.

Changes to these Terms

If we make any amendments to these Terms, including amendments to any “Part” of these Terms, we will aim to give you at least 30 days' notice (unless we are required by law or a regulator to implement the amendments quicker). You understand that even though we will try to give you notice of any amendments, we don't need to obtain your consent to do so, and Prograd will not be liable for any associated losses which may arise as a result. You also understand that when we list a new version of our Terms on the Prograd website, this will be classed as us giving you notice, so it's important you check our Terms regularly. If you do not agree to these changes, you can choose to end your Prograd account by emailing us at

Governing Law

If any provision of these Terms are held by a competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms will not be affected and will remain valid.

These Terms, their subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law. We both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Part 2

This section only applies to the extent that you sign up to use the ProPeople Community whether in addition to or separate from Prograd's standard service offering.

ProPeople Community

The proPeople community is an online space for people to interact with each other while learning through posted content.

You will be asked to accept CircleCo, Inc's (Circle) terms and conditions if you decide to sign up and register for an account through the ProPeople Community. Circle is the provider we use to host the ProPeople Community page and your personal data will be shared with them (please see our Privacy Policy for more information). Please make sure you read their terms and conditions and privacy policy carefully before signing up.

Through the ProPeople Community, you can upload content or material pertaining to your use of our Services. In accessing this feature, you must comply with the content standards set out below. These content standards apply to any and all material which you contribute the ProPeople Community ('Contributions') and to any other interactive services associated with it.

A Contribution must be accurate (where it states facts) and genuinely held (where it states opinions, and it must comply with all applicable laws. A Contribution must not, in particular: (a) be defamatory of any person; (b) be obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory; (c) bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate or invade another's privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; (d) promote sexually explicit or abusive material; (e) promote terrorism, violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; (f) amount to or promote, or incite any party to commit or assist, any unlawful or criminal act; (g) be likely to deceive any person; (h) breach any legal duty owed to a third party; or (i) consist of an impersonation of any person or misrepresentation of your identity.

Any Contribution you upload to the ProPeople Community will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. You retain all of your ownership rights in your Contribution, but you are required to grant us a limited licence to use, store and copy that Contribution and to distribute and make it available to third parties. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any Contribution posted or uploaded by you to the ProPeople Community constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights or of their right to privacy.

We have the right to remove any posting you make if, in our opinion, your post does not comply with the content standards set out above. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently suspend your account and access to the ProPeople Community page.

If you wish to contact us in relation to a Contribution uploaded to the ProPeople Community, please contact


Part 3

You should take the time to review this section. By using Prograd and earning Pro Points, you will be partaking in our Pro Points Rewards Program and therefore you agree to these terms and conditions. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully.

What are Pro Points and what is the Pro Points Rewards Program

Prograd's ‘Pro Points Rewards Program' is a reward scheme provided as a token of appreciation for your active participation on the Prograd platform for which Pro Points are offered. By engaging with the Prograd platform, you have the opportunity to earn points (“Pro Points”).

The number of Pro Points that you have collected will be available to view in your Prograd account via your Pro Points Stash, which you can track at any time.

Once you have collected a certain number of Pro Points, you will be eligible to redeem a reward subject to these Terms. The number of Pro Points needed to redeem a reward will be made available on the website and may change from time to time.

How to earn Pro Points

You can earn Pro Points by actively engaging with Prograd's offerings, such as starting side hustles, improving saving habits, referring friends, using the Prograd Investing Simulator and more. We will always make it clear on the Prograd platform which activities will generate Pro Points, and how many Pro Points are up for grabs.

It's important you understand that the number of Pro Points earned may vary based on the specific activity you partake in and that some activities may not generate any Pro Points.

“Rewards” that you may be able to redeem may include cash, gift cards, discounts and other incentives.

How to redeem your Rewards

Rewards can only be redeemed once you reach the minimum threshold needed to trigger a Reward (the “Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount”). Remember, these thresholds may change from time to time so you'll need to see what threshold applies by regularly checking the website.

You understand that you cannot redeem any Reward unless and until you reach the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount. If you've not collected enough Pro Points to reach the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount then you will not have the option to redeem a Reward.

All Reward redemptions you make are final and cannot be returned for credit, exchanged or otherwise.

Once you reach the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount you may be asked by either Prograd or one of our third party partners to: (a) verify your email address; provide your bank details/chosen withdrawal method; (c) provide a qualifying UK identity document; and (d) any other proof of identity or eligibility which we or a third party partner may require from time to time.

Failure to provide the information we need in order to transfer the Reward to you, including failing to help us to verify your identity (when necessary) may result in a delay in you getting (and in some circumstances a complete forfeiture of) the Reward. If this happens, Prograd will not be liable for any associated losses which arise from any delay or forfeiture.

No affiliation with Partners

Some Rewards earned through the Pro Points Rewards Program may be offered by our third party partners (each a “Partner”). These Partners are in no way affiliated to Prograd and we simply have a relationship with them in order to facilitate the offer of the applicable Reward to you.

Any Rewards offered by a Partner and earned through the Pro Points Rewards Program will be subject to the Partner's applicable terms and conditions, and the Partner reserves the right at any time to (a) remove; (b) amend; and (c) suspend the Reward at any time in accordance with their terms and conditions. Prograd will not liable to you for any actions taken by a Partner regarding a Reward. Whenever possible, we will do our best to direct you to these Partner terms and conditions, but you may need to access these yourself when you agree to access or redeem any Reward.

When Rewards and Pro Points expire

Once you have reached the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount, you must redeem your Reward within 30 days. Users are encouraged to redeem their Reward within this timeframe otherwise your right to redeem the Reward may expire and you may no longer be able to redeem it.

Every Pro Point you earn will be valid for redemption for a period of 12 months from the date your first earn them. After 12 months has passed, the applicable Pro Points will expire – this means that they will not roll-over to a new 12-month period and they will not contribute towards your Minimum Pro Point Redemption Amount after they've expired. Prograd has no liability to restore any expired or unused Pro Points.

Pro Points are not Money and we do not hold any Money on your behalf



Redemption processing time

Once a request for redemption is initiated, Prograd will aim to ensure your Reward is sent to your chosen redemption method within 7 working days. Please note that Prograd may not necessarily accept your chosen redemption method and any delays beyond this period may be subject to the chosen redemption method's processing times (for example some banks have longer processing times than others, and this is something which Prograd has no control over). You understand that Prograd will not be liable for any delays to the redemption of any Reward.

What happens to your Pro Points if we terminate or suspend of your Prograd Account

If Prograd has suspended or terminated your Prograd account for any of the reasons outlined in these Terms, any Pro Points you have earned cannot be redeemed and may be forfeited (even if you had already reached the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount).

Prograd also reserves the right to reclaim any Pro Points held in your Prograd account or to suspend or terminate any Rewards which are in the process of being redeemed by you, if you breach these Terms.

If you have a problem with your Pro Points or the Pro Points Rewards Program (including redeeming Rewards)

In the event that your Pro Points do not appear in your account within 14 days after completing an eligible activity, if you have not received the Reward or if you believe there are any issues around redeeming the Reward, please reach out to our support team at for assistance. We will aim investigate and resolve the issue promptly.

Prograd owns all Pro Points

Pro Points are the exclusive property of Prograd. Any attempt to manipulate or fraudulently obtain Pro Points by creating multiple accounts or engaging in deceptive activities will result in immediate suspension of your account and potential legal action for fraud. Prograd reserves the right to recover any Pro Points obtained through fraudulent means.

What Prograd are not liable to you for

By participating in the Pro Points Rewards Program, users acknowledge that Pro Points are not real money or a debt owed to them by Prograd at any time whatsoever. Users understand that Prograd is not responsible for any financial losses or liabilities you incur by partaking in the Pro Points Rewards Program. Prograd shall not be held liable for any costs, damages, losses, expenses, or otherwise arising from the use of or reliance on the Pro Points Rewards Program whatsoever.

We can modify the Pro Points Rewards Program

Prograd reserves the right to: (a) amend the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount; (b) amend or cancel the Pro Points Rewards Program; (c) amend the eligibility requirements for redeeming Rewards; (d) revoke or cancel any Pro Points earned; and (d) otherwise update these Part 3 Terms, for any reason whatsoever, without any further liability to you. If we make any of the amendments above, we will do so in accordance with the “Changes to these Terms” section in Part 1 of these Terms.

If Prograd is required to suspend or cancel the Pro Points Rewards Program, any accumulated Pro Points which have reached the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount will remain redeemable for 14 days from the date that the notice of cancellation is made to you. Please contact us at if you have reached the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount and have not yet redeemed your Reward.

No Financial Advice

Prograd does not provide financial advice. The platform's purpose is to offer tools and opportunities for financial growth and management [,including your use of the Pro Points Rewards Program]. Users are encouraged to seek professional financial advice when making significant financial decisions.]

Part 4

This section applies to the extent that you participate and engage with the Prograd Investing Simulator (“Investing Simulator”). By participating in the Investing Simulator you agree to these terms and conditions. Please read the following terms and conditions, together with the Terms above, before participating.

How the Investing Simulator works

Using the Prograd Investing Simulator is simple and below is a step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. To participate in the Investing Simulator you must be earning Pro Points through your use of the Prograd platform (see Part 3 (Pro Points Reward Scheme) for more information on this).
  2. Once you start earning Pro Points, you can choose to transfer up to 30% of your Pro Points available in your Pro Points Stash to your Investment Stash in the Investing Simulator at each given time. This means that you will be committing a certain number of your Pro Points to the Investing Simulator.
  3. When you commit to transfer Pro Points into your Investment Stash, your Pro Points will be “Locked” for a duration of 30 days (the “Lock-In Period”), which means you will not be able to transfer the Locked Pro Points from your Investment Stash back to your general Pro Points Stash during this period.
  4. During the Lock-In Period you can choose to dummy “invest” your available Pro Points from your Investment Stash into a range of simulated investments available on the Investing Simulator. Each simulated investment will be worth a different amount of Pro Points and carry its own risk level, i.e. an indication of how “good” or “bad” the simulated investment might be based on an algorithm designed by Prograd (the “Prograd Algorithm”) - see below for more information on how this works.
  5. During the Lock-In Period, the performance of your Pro Points via the simulated investments you have made will be based on the Prograd Algorithm.
  6. It's important you understand that this means that your Pro Points may increase or decrease depending on how they perform against the Prograd Algorithm during the Lock-In Period. You can track the performance of your Pro Points during the Lock-In Period against Prograd's Algorithm via the Investing Simulator
  7. At the end of the Lock-In Period, you will be able to see if the Pro Points in your simulated investments have grown, reduced or even stayed the same. You will be able to see your new total of Pro Points via the Investing Simulator in your Investment Stash at the end of the Lock-In Period.
  8. Now, you can choose whether to withdraw your Pro Points from the simulated investment(s) and transfer it back to your Pro Points Stash and have them added towards any potential Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount (and therefore your eligibility to access a Reward), or keep them in any simulated investment(s) on the Investing Simulator for an additional Lock-In Period to see if your Pro Points might increase some more next time round. [Note that you can only transfer up to 30% of the Pro Points from your Pro Points Stash to your Investment Stash for each Lock-In Period.]
  9. You will also have the opportunity to earn bonus Pro Points by taking part in interactive activities made available on the Investing Platform from time to time to test the knowledge gained by your use of the Investing Simulator. We will let you know how many bonus Pro Points you may earn by completing each activity, and any Pro Points earned will be added to your Investment Stash during the then-current Lock-In Period, which can then be transferred to your Pro Points Stash or kept in your Investment Stash to use towards other simulated investments. Some activities, like quizzes, may result in you losing available Pro Points in your Investment Stash, and it is always your responsibility to check the information provided on each activity before participating.

You should be aware that during the Lock-In Period any additional Pro Points you earn through your engagement with the Prograd platform outside of the Investing Simulator (see Part 3 (Pro Points Reward Scheme) above) will not count towards your Investment Stash, and will appear separately in your general Pro Points Stash available on your Prograd account. You will be able to continue earning additional Pro Points during any Lock-In Period as set out in Part 3 above (Pro Points Reward Scheme).

You understand and acknowledge that participation in the Investing Simulator is at your own discretion. You further agree and acknowledge that as a result of partaking in the Investing Simulator, you may have less (or more) Pro Points at the end of the Lock-In Period than you did before you used them to make a simulated investment. As a result, this may impact the number of Pro Points you have available to contribute to the Minimum Pro Points Redemption Amount, and therefore your eligibility to access a Reward.

Prograd Algorithm

The performance of your Pro Points via the simulated investments you make on the Investing Simulator is not tracked by or linked to a real or live stock exchange, financial index or otherwise. The Prograd Algorithm is the performance metric developed by Prograd in its sole capacity which may draw on how certain stocks, shares or other financial instruments in companies are performing or have performed in real life historically, and other investment or market related factors or trends that Prograd deems appropriate. The Prograd Algorithm may be varied from time to time and is simply intended for educational purposes.

Prograd Investing Simulator is not a trading platform



We do not give you investment or financial advice

Prograd does not provide personalised financial or investment advice. Your activity on the Investing Simulator and the performance of your Pro Points should in no way be relied on as specific advice or recommendations for any real investment activities you may undertake and is intended for educational and informational purposes. Your activity through the Investing Simulator does not substitute for the skill, judgment and experience for making investments and other financial decisions.

You are encouraged to seek professional financial advice when making significant financial and investment decisions.

What Prograd is not liable to you for

The Investing Simulator (which includes, without limitation, the Prograd Algorithm) is provided on an ‘AS IS' basis. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Prograd make no representation or warranty about the Investing Simulator including any representation that is will be uninterrupted or error-free, and Prograd disclaims any implied or statutory warranty, including accuracy of data or fitness for a particular purpose in relation to the Investing Simulator.

By participating in the Investing Simulator, you acknowledge that you are not participating in real investments at any time. You understand that Prograd is not responsible for any financial losses or liabilities you incur by partaking in the Investing Simulator, including the reduction of your Pro Points (and any Reward which you may miss out on as a result). Prograd shall not be held liable for any costs, damages, losses, expenses, or otherwise arising from the use of or reliance on the Investing Simulator.

We can modify the Investing Simulator

Prograd reserves the right to: (a) amend or cancel the Investing Simulator; (b) revoke or cancel any Pro Points earned; and (c) otherwise amend these Part 4 Terms, at any time for any reason. If we make any of the amendments above, we will do so in accordance with the “Changes to these Terms” section in Part 1 of these Terms.

If Prograd is required to suspend or cancel the Investing Simulator, any accumulated Pro Points in your Investment Stash may be automatically transferred to your Pro Points Stash, however there may be some reasons beyond Prograd's control where this may not be possible and you understand that Prograd will not be responsible or liable to you for any associated losses if this happens.